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7 Responses

  1. Chandramohan says:

    Dear Friend,

    Most of the Intergroup contacts for KERALA is Given under KARNATAKA IG.

    Yours in the fellowship


    • Web Admin says:

      Dear Chandramohan,

      Thanks for bringing this to our notice. We will surely make the necessary corrections.

      In Loving Service

      Web Admin
      AA WMIG

  2. Rufus.H says:

    Dear Yatin,
    Great work you have undertaken..but how do i find meetings and its contact numbers in and outside Maharashtra..finding it difficult in opening..will try to give my personal sharing,,if you find it can host it on the net.. keep up the good work..
    Thanks God bless you
    Yours in Fellowship

    • Web Admin says:

      Dear Rufus,

      You may find the meeting list at . Currently we have hosted meeting list only for the Maharashtra region. As I mentioned yesterday in the IG that we were facing some technical difficulties with our database server, but now its OK.
      Please try again & read the instruction to search for the meeting you are looking for.. Our meeting list for Maharashtra is searchable.

      In Loving Service

      Web Admin
      AA WMIG

  3. Carl says:

    I have been planning my vacations this year in India Goa and was wandering on the net to find some travel destination info that i came across the awesome AA site. I wolud be staying in mumbai for a while and will surely like to attend a few AA meetings.

    God Bless


  4. Atul Z says:

    Great work Yatin….Keep the good work going…..

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