Hi fellow AA members and Friends of AA,
Greetings from AA Coimbatore.
Our Miracle Group is celebrating 8th year anniversary on 22nd JULY 2012 at COIMBATORE, Tamil Nadu (India).
We are combining it with a Public Awareness meeting, with the participation of Public & recovering alcoholics (informed in advance by newpaper flyers, meetings in rehab camps / hospitals, meetings beforehand at college(s) and churches.
For getting full coverage in media, we are inviting people known to public (from a cross section of Industry, Medical, Judiciary etc)
AA Groups within the state are being informed through leaflets (English and Tamil), over phone and sms.
For those who are far away and who have mail IDs, we have taken the liberty of e-mailing.
Please find attached the English and Tamil versions of the meeting info.
For any assistance, like room booking and the like, please do not hesitate to call our help lines.
Kindly make it convenient to be with us for the function and support us.
Also, kindly PASS IT ON, where it could be further useful.
Valliappan K
Recovering Alcoholic
Coimbatore, TN INDIA
+ 91 98943 42292
+ 91 99430 42292

- This event has passed.